Florida Man Kills Alligator And It’s Nest On Purpose
A shocking story is coming out of Daytona Beach, Fl.
A man used a tractor mower to kill an alligator and its nest.
Steven Dariff, 59, of Lake Helen, is charged with three counts of killing or capturing alligator eggs and one count of intentionally killing an animal with excessive or repeated infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering.
The incident originally happened on Jun 10.
Witnesses say that he was trying to scare the alligator back into the water when he was clearing brush on the bank. When it wouldn’t move, he dropped the blades of the mower on its back twice.
The gator survived but was extremely injured. It was later humanely euthanized. The nest was also destroyed.
Junior is the producer of the Stan and Haney show. He is also a music producer and audio engineer. He was born in Sioux City, Ia, but has lived down in Southwest Florida since a young age.