A Hyperloop Train Might Be Coming To Southwest Florida
A major proposal is moving forward at state and regional levels to bring a Hyperloop Bullet train that travels up 700 MPH to SWFl.
The plan is being pushed by the California-based Hyperloop TT. The train would go from Tampa bay with various stops in SWFL, and cut across Alligator Alley to Fort Lauderdale and Miami.
The train is inspired by designs from Elon Musk which he describes as a “cross between a Concorde and a railgun and an air hockey table.”
Hyperloop TT will work closely with the Department of Transportation to follow guidance from the newly released “Pathways to the Future of Transportation.”
Their goal is to initiate construction by 2023.
Junior is the producer of the Stan and Haney show. He is also a music producer and audio engineer. He was born in Sioux City, Ia, but has lived down in Southwest Florida since a young age.