Douche of the Day: #FloridaMan caught on camera stealin’ from tip jar
An unidentified Florida Man was caught on camera rippin’ off the tip jar at a sports pub in Fort Myers!
It happened Friday evening at Rosati’s Pizza Sports Pub in Fort Myers.
The unidentified man was filmed taking out $20 from the tip jar at the counter.
Employee Hannah Wendling was working carry out on Friday when she noticed the $20 was missing from the jar.
According to NBC 2 News, “after looking at surveillance video, she realized the man was picking up a delivery order. However, since he wasn’t the assigned driver through the delivery service company Bite Squad, Wendling said they are trying to identify him.
NBC2 reached out to the company Bite Squad about the alleged incident but haven’t heard back. “
(SOURCE: NBC 2 News)