What Made You Rage?
What Happened That Set You Off and Made You Rage?
We talk about rage on the show pretty often. Usually, it’s because someone has flipped out at a fast food restaurant, or gone crazy and committed a crime. Today, we talk about some of our own rage moments that left us shocked by our own actions. And, some of your rage moments as well.
What started as another fast food freakout, turned into a conversation about when we have raged. A woman at a McDonald’s brandished a firearm after an altercation involving her food. Her fries we’re missing and she was pissed. Lisa shocks Dave by saying it isn’t that outrageous. Those are the best fast food fries in our opinion!
Then, Andy shares his own fast food rage. He was leaving a place and forgot to check the bag. About halfway home, he realized they had forgotten his sauce. He was pissed! He said he saw white, started cussing, and pulled a u-turn in the middle of the road. Steaming, the rushed back to the restaurant to light someone up. But, when he saw the golden arches, he realized he was a little too upset. He walked inside, and got his sauce. Rage with a happy ending.
Dave then shares a story that he’s never told us before. He was almost side-swiped by a driver and he saw ‘the white’. He followed the man for miles, before pulling over into a parking lot. When they driver stepped out, he was shaking and frightened. Dave’s wife couldn’t believe that he followed a guy for that long and told him to calm down because of how scared the guy was. Another story that was able to be diffused.
Jason even has one. His son was throwing toy cars at the window while they were driving. He was so made that he made a comment about the cars going somewhere that they shouldn’t. When he got out of the car to confront his son, he was terrified. He had his hands up saying “I’m not ready!!”. This is when Jason realized his rage had gone too far.
At the end of the day, we are all human. But today, I guess we understood a little more about all those stories we cover everyday. The difference is, we were able to get off the ledge. We hope the same for everyone!
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