
Great Debate: Should You Tip Your Garbage Collectors?

Should you tip your garbage collectors? One guy in the industry is going viral for saying that you should tip them because you’ll benefit from it. Tipping culture has seemingly…

Garbage collector collecting trash with a garbage truck. Great Debate: Should You Tip Your Garbage Collectors?

Great Debate: Should You Tip Your Garbage Collectors? (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Should you tip your garbage collectors? One guy in the industry is going viral for saying that you should tip them because you'll benefit from it.

Tipping culture has seemingly got a bit out of hand since the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, people went above and beyond tipping because it was a nice thing to do and people in the service industry really needed it. Now, we're out of quarantine and some people are still expecting similar tips but aren't getting them any more. While customers seem to be tipping less these days, employees are still doing all they can to get tips. It seems like everywhere you go there's a machine now asking for tips. It's not just a coin jar anymore. These machines can be tricky because the employee puts it in your face and you have to hit "No Tip" (if you can find it, it tends to be much smaller than the 20%, 15%, and 10% options). There's also not just the issue of how much to tip or when to tip--but who to tip. We know to tip servers at restaurants and to leave some money for pick-up. However, should you also tip your garbage collectors?

TikTok Video Advises People To Tip Their Garbage Collectors

Over the holidays, we ran into a similar issue. Should we tip our mail carrier? The problem was it's never the same person. There seems to be 3-4 people who deliver our mail and of that group one of them stands out as excellent. He delivers great service and always chats with us and has nice things to say. He seems to go out of his way to be personable, which is appreciated. He also has gone above and beyond to make sure our packages and mail are delivered safely. But if we were to tip our mail carrier, how would we know that it's him getting the money? I wouldn't want to going to one of the other! So, that created an interesting dilemma for us.

There's now a garbage collector from Minnesota going viral on TikTok for sharing his advice on why you should tip your garbage collector annually. During the holidays seems like the appropriate time if you're going to do it. He says in his viral TikTok video that tipping them can lead to them going above and beyond in their duties. Some people agree with what he had to say while others almost seem to view it as a threat. Are you saying if I don't tip you you'll give me worse service? Isn't it your job to pick up my cans. You get paid for it, why should I give you more money to just do your job or to not throw my cans all over the place in a mess? It's created quite the debate online. See him (@nattydad1) describe it and why he thinks you should tip your garbage collectors in the video below.

I think many of us have dealt with taking something large outside to be taken away with the trash but when they came and went it was still left behind. Garbage collectors won't take everything you leave out, some of it needs a special pick-up or needs to be taken elsewhere and that responsibility might fall on you. Of course, these garbage collectors do have a choice. They could do it if they really wanted to and it seems like this guy is saying they'll be more likely to help you out during a pinch if you tip them at least $20 a year. It's not a lot of money and could lead to some benefits. However, is it necessary? What do you think?

5 Food Delivery Horror Stories Heard On Dave & Chuck The Freak

Look, we've all been there. It's been a long day and the last thing you want to do is cook a meal. So, we turn to a delivery service. Or, at least we used to. We might not do that anymore after hearing about these stories. Here are 5 food delivery horror stories heard on Dave & Chuck The Freak.

After hearing these stories, you might be tempted to start cooking more at home. You never know what people might do with your food!

5 Food Delivery Horror Stories Heard On Dave & Chuck The Freak

Trusting a stranger to do anything can be a tough ask. I won't let a stranger watch my dog. That's something I know I need to trust you with before asking you to do. Actually, I won't even ask many of my friends to do a task like that. Additionally, asking a stranger to house sit can be a dangerous ask. Now, I'm supposed to trust them with my food? In their own vehicle? That's tough.

A lot can go wrong with a stranger picking up your food and handling it. First, they could obviously eat your food. A 10 piece nugget can very quickly turn into a 9 piece. Maybe they won't take a full nugget. They could just steal one fry. Hey, you'll never notice. They could also take a sip of your beverage.

However, consuming your food isn't the only bad thing they can do. They can spit on it. They can put their hands in it. There are no shortage of the weird things they could do to it. Sure, companies have started taking measures to prevent stuff like this happening. They'll staple or tape your bag shut. There's no a protective film over beverage cups. However, it doesn't seem to be enough. Drivers are still out there doing stuff--and getting caught doing it.

Here are 5 examples of food delivery horror stories as heard on Dave & Chuck The Freak!

Guy Finds Poop In His Delivery Order

There are many things you can find in your delivery order. The last thing you want to find? Probably poop. Well, it happened. I can't imagine the horror at realizing that. Certainly, I would never order from a food delivery service again. That would be it for me.

Delivery Driver Gets Held Hostage After Delivering Cold Kabab

Personally, when I order a kabab I want it to be hot. Turns out, I'm not alone. A delivery driver was held hostage after delivering a cold kabab to a customer! Now, I've never taken it that far. However, I do understand the frustration. Where were you? Why isn't this hot? I'd have so many questions. However, I would still eat it. I can microwave it myself. It's not worth going to jail over.

DoorDash Driver Busted Eating Customer's Cookies

We talked about this earlier. One of the risks you take asking someone else to deliver your food is they could end up eating some of it. Sometimes, they'll get away with it. There's no way to tell it was them who ate it. Maybe the restaurant just forgot to give it to you? However, there are times where the evidence is right there. Right on the delivery driver's face. That's what happened here. Watch as she hilariously busts him for it.

A DoorDasher Jumped To Conclusions And Left An Angry Note In A Customer's Bag

Well, this is embarrassing. I've got second hand embarrassment from this. Definitely major cringe. This delivery driver assumed she wasn't going to receive a tip and left a nasty note for the customer. However, she failed to consider the possibility of a cash tip. Well, by the time she realized that it was too late. Watch the humiliating video below!

Herd Of Cows Chase DoorDash Driver

Now, this story is different. Turns out, not every delivery horror story is scary for the customer. Sometimes, it can be scary for the driver! They could meet a strange customer. They could get mugged for their money or food. Or, they could be chased by a gang of cows. That's something straight out of a horror movie. Well, it happened!

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Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He was named Clarkston High School 2009 Class Clown 13 years after graduating. Totally normal thing to happen. That’s thanks to his time spent as an Intern at Comedy Central and Social Media Correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy across the country, both standing up and sitting down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on-air and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also totally uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So, basically anything and everything.