Police Escort To Poop
A Driver In Oklahoma Tried the “I Have To Poop” Excuse As Reason For Speeding
Many of us know the feeling of having to poop immediately. Sometimes, nature calls and an inopportune time and we are faced with a decision. Pooping your pants is not an option so you must get to a bathroom as quickly as possible. Speeding to do so is risky, because occasionally, the cops get you and pull you over.
This exact scenario happened to a man in Oklahoma. According to reports from KTUL, a man was clocked doing 123 MPH in a 65 MPH zone and was subsequently pulled over. His reason for speeding, just getting off work and needing to poop really bad.
Dave wonders if there are any law enforcement officers listening that would let people off with a warning if they had to poop. What do you do? Do you let it flow in your pants? Do you get out of your car and drop a deuce to show the cops you weren’t messing around? None of these are good options.
Listeners start calling and messaging us with their own experiences in this sort of situation and they are mixed. Some people were let off by police. Some officers say depending on the attitude of the person in question, they would let them go. One particular scenario was one we didn’t consider involved a police escort of sorts.
A man said that he was followed by police officer to a nearby bathroom after stating his reason for speeding was the need to poop. So, we then imagine having a police escort take you all the way to a bathroom so you could relieve yourself. Lights, sirens, the whole deal. Dave and Chuck think it would be awesome, Lisa however feels it would be incredibly embarrassing and not worth the relief.
Have you ever used this excuse to try and get out of a ticket? Did you really have to go or were you lying to get away? E-mail us at email@daveandchuckthefreak.com