Florida Has The Most Dangerous Interstate In The U.S.
If you live in Florida, you probably already know which dangerous interstate we’re talking about. Assurance ranked America’s most dangerous interstates. The “utilized National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data to determine the most and least safe interstates across the country according to the number of fatal accidents.” Ranking the interstates by fatal crashes for every 100 miles. It’s not even close.
The fifth most dangerous interstate is I-24.
This road runs through Tennessee, Kentucky, and Illinois and has just over 18 fatal crashes per 100 miles. In fourth is the interstate that connects Arkansas to the Dallas-Fort Worth metro. It’s I-30, with just over 23 fatal crashes per 100 miles. Texas is also at number 3 with a road connecting Galveston to Dallas. I-45 with over 26 fatal crashes per 100 miles. Number two? Texas again.I-35E connecting Dallas-Fort Worth has almost 28 fatal crashes per 100 miles. The most dangerous interstate in the country? Easy, I4.
I-4 connects Tampa to Orlando and then up to Daytona. I feel like I’m driving in a Mad Max movie whenever I’m there. Sometimes I’m relieved when traffic slows to a crawl because there’s less chance of a horrific accident when everyone’s driving 10 miles an hour. I-4 has 34 fatal crashes per 100 miles. And there’s one stretch in particular.
The I-4 Dead Zone
There’s an area between Orlando and Daytona where I-4 crosses the St. John’s River at Lake Monroe. The story goes that the Saint Joseph’s Colony of Swedish immigrants all died there, from Yellow Fever. A hundred years later, the south end of the I-4 bridge was built right over their graves. Now cell phones lose there service in the area and there’s been reports of floating orbs of light. Reports state that a semi jackknifed on the road right above the purported grave sight on the day the road opened. This small section of I-4 has seen more accidents than any other part of that interstate.