Chuck Got Jury Duty?!?
It’s No Surprise At All That Chuck Was Selected For Jury Duty
Well, we all know that ‘Chuck Luck’ is a thing. If something can go wrong for Chuck, it usually does. Recently, he mentioned being summoned for jury duty, and we found out yesterday that he was selected to serve on the case. So, we talked about that this morning.
The show started with Dave saying it was Dave & Chuck the Freak-less. Chuck was not here again today because he was selected to serve on jury. We knew it was going to happen, because of course, that would happen to Chuck.
Andy says, it must be weird for the suspect if he recognizes Chuck. Imagine being a listener and sitting in court waiting your judgement. You look out at the jury and realize, wait a second…that is Chuck the Freak!
We imagine that although he might say he doesn’t like it, he secretly does. One, he doesn’t have to come into work. Two, he’ll be able to talk all day long. And three, now he’ll have many stories to tell about that one time he served on a jury.
Al and Lisa have both had to serve their civil duty in court. Both were short stints, and Lisa even made hers better because she was able to go to a nearby Arby’s for lunch. We don’t think Chuck is in a location with such a treat nearby.
We also poke fun at his updates. Obviously, he can’t talk about what the case is specifically, but he was updating us about where he was, and when he was done. We said that as a collective we felt like his wife. Chuck usually isn’t one to tell anyone where he is, or what he’s doing. So, we found it funny that he was telling us when he was headed home.
We all hope that the case is short and he comes back to work.
Check out two funny cases of Chuck Luck at the links below!