Mariah Carey Fans Get Into a Wild Fight at Christmas Concert!
Mariah Carey Fans Get Into Wild Fight
The Christmas season isn’t all joy and happiness for everyone. You’ll be able to see that in a video from a a recent Mariah Carey Christmas concert.
According to NYPost, a fight broke out between several adults at a Mariah Carey Christmas concert. Video has been shared online of the battle while she was ending the night by singing “All I Want For Christmas Is You”.
What could get you so upset at a Mariah Carey concert? Obviously, alcohol as involved and after a long night of drinking people can get testy. It’s most likely that people were vying for prime position for her hit song and ended up getting hostile.
You can see the full video here of two women going at it. Throwing drinks on each other and pushing.
Typically, you’d expect to see this at a rock show, maybe a mosh pit of some kind. A brawl at a Christmas concert is pretty ridiculous. Isn’t the season about being joyful and spending good times with your loved ones. For these people, it’s getting wasted, listening to Mariah Carey sing the hits on her 30-year anniversary tour. To each their own.
People are pretty selfish. Breaking out into a brawl at the end of a show is just plain selfish. No care for all the other people who are trying to enjoy a show, regardless of how terrible some might think the music is. Just have your drink, expect to be shoulder to shoulder and listen to the tunes.
Have you witness a crazy brawl at a concert? I’m sure our listeners have experienced some wild shows, and possible been involved in some wild brawls of their own. Please share them with us. You can always reach us by e-mail. [email protected]