Liquid Death and Depend Have Teamed Up to Create an Adult Diaper for Heavy Metal Concerts
Liquid Death and Depend Making Adult Diaper For Heavy Metal Concerts
The universe is a weird place. It’s almost like we talk about something and speak it into reality. Recently, we were talking about people wearing diapers to concerts in order to not lose their spot and miss the show. We also talked about adult diaper brands using younger people on their packages. Now, you can buy an adult diaper for your heavy metal concerts.
According to Consequence, Liquid Death and Depend have teamed up to bring you the “Pit Diaper”. It’s a pleather cod piece designed for heavy metal concert goers to wear to shows, so they don’t miss anything while going to the bathroom. Consequence reports, “The Pit Diaper is available for $75 exclusively from Liquid Death’s website.
Check out the hilarious infomercial launch video below
At least they’ve tried to make it cool. It’s much cooler than wearing a crinkly, white classic diaper. It’s got chains and spikes! People are going to buy these for sure! You’d think this was a joke or April Fool’s joke, but it’s not.
We heard from what seemed like hundreds of people who say they wear diapers to concerts. They have no shame either. They say that being soiled in your own excrement is better than losing that front row spot. Or, having to miss your favorite song because you drank too much.
We can’t wrap our minds around it. Sitting in your own urine is disgusting. There’s a reason people don’t want to wear diapers anymore! Not to mention, having to stand next to someone who is stinky. If you’ve been around soiled diapers….they smell horrible!
Let us know if you buy one! $75 seems really pricey for a diaper. And how does pleather hold pee? Wet pleather? That cannot feel good on your bits.