Should You Smell Your Floss After You’re Done?
Should you smell your floss after you’re done? That’s what a dental hygienist is recommending on TikTok!
It seems like these days we get a lot of our life hacks and pro tips from TikTok. There are pros and cons to that. It can be a great way to learn some new things. However, it can also lead to you getting pranked or tricked. You have to make sure it’s not a satire video or a comedy! This appears to be real and if you smell your floss after you’re done it might help you detect gum disease.
Why Should You Smell Your Floss?
Flossing is a sensitive subject for many people. Despite your dentist saying you should do it, it’s easy to forget! However, there are many benefits to doing it and it should be done daily. Not only should you floss, but one expert is saying you should smell the floss after your done! While it sounds like it would be gross and disgusting it might help you in the long run!
According to Buzzfeed, 24-year-old Kyrsten Sprouse is a dental hygienist in Oregon and she recently shared a video on TikTok saying that you should floss because you might smell and detect gum disease! She claims that smell is a telltale sign of gum disease and a lot of good can come if you smell your floss. If you’re bold enough to do it, of course. Now, that video has roughly 2 million views and continues to climb. Will this be what finally gets us all to floss? Probably not. But check out the viral video for yourself below!
In the video, she says, “It’s so crazy when I’ve been cleaning people’s teeth for a whole hour, and I don’t smell periodontal disease, really, until the end, when I’m checking my work and I’m flossing and I can smell it really bad, even through my mask, my face shield, everything.”
Buzzfeed points out that periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, occurs when plaque isn’t cleaned off the teeth by brushing or flossing. Bacteria can live in the plaque build-up and can move into the gums causing inflammation. I never realized that it can be smelled! So, if you’re looking to prevent gum disease or detect it early go on and give your floss a sniff after you’re done. It could help you in the long run!