“Night Marcher” Demon Spotted In Trees During 100-Mile Race
Have you ever been running in the woods, by yourself, and got the feeling that something was looking at you? If you listen to our show, it could be some pervert hiding off in the trees. But, for one woman in Hawaii, she claims it was a “night marcher” demon that she spotted in the trees during her 100-mile race.
“Night Marcher” Demon Spotted During 100-Mile Race
The HURT100 in Hawaii is a long-distanced team endurance run that takes place ever year. HURT, which stands for “Hawaiian Ultra Running Team’s Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run”, is an incredibly difficult event as one would imagine. What could make a 100-mile race even harder…a “night marcher” demon lurking in the woods! And, that’s what long distance runner Kay Borleis is claiming happened to her. According to reports from dailystar.co.uk, Kay was taking part in the HURT100. She had teammates and they were taking photos and video. Kay became tired and the team decided to drop out of the race. According to dailystar.co.uk, upon examining the photos, Kay and her teammate noticed a creepy figure standing in the trees. They say that they were unable to see anything while actually running and only noticed something in the photos afterwards.
“Night Marcher” Demon Lore
There is a bunch of information about the “night marchers” in Hawaii. According to mysteries-of-hawaii.com, “night marchers” are usually seen in groups and are ancient warriors. If you see one, wouldn’t necessarily be a “night marcher” demon and more likely a ghost according to mysteries-of-hawaii.com. It is said that upon encountering these night marchers, you should run. And, if you can’t run, then lay down and pray to the Hawaiian ancestors.
You can do more research about the “Night Marchers” if you like. The tales are plentiful and maybe this long-distance runner did encounter one. All we will say is that 100-mile team endurance run sounds bad enough, but add “Night Marcher” demons and we are definitely out!