A Florida City Has Made It Against the Law To Not Walk Your Dog
I walk my dog every night after work. Not just for the exercise, but that time with your dog is great for bonding. I really believe it’s my dog’s favorite time of the day. Maybe even more than dinnertime. And since we live in Florida, it’s not too often that you can blame the weather on not taking your dog out for a walk. Well, one city in Florida has taken the next step. It’s essentially against the law to not walk your dog.
About halfway between Daytona Beach and Orlando is Deltona, Florida. A town of just under 100,000. In their recently drafted ORDINANCE NO. 12-2023, the city has given a lot more rights – to their pets. The new ordinance touches on many items regarding animal cruelty. It covers shelter, bringing them in when it’s too hot, too cold, or raining. The ordinance even essentially states, that you need to walk your dog. Here’s how 2(d) reads: “Animals must be given appropriate daily exercise. Subjective varies dog to dog dependent on age, health, and breed.”
It’s now against the law in Deltona to let your dog get fat and lazy.
Another interesting section covers animals trapped in hot cars. Here’s how it reads: “Any person who enters a motor vehicle, by force or otherwise, for the purpose of removing a domestic animal is immune from civil liability to damage to the motor vehicle.” I believe this should be statewide across Florida. If you smash a car window to save an animal trapped in a hot car, the owner of the vehicle cannot press charges. It’s not only legal to do so, it seems to be encouraged.
So, you have to walk your dog in Deltona?
Not exactly. For example, they didn’t specify what kind of exercise and how this would possibly be enforced. Just ‘appropriate daily exercise’. Quite ambiguous. It appears to be written as a way to combat animal abuse, a new way to remove animals from a situation detrimental to their health. This law could also make it easier to rescue dogs that spend their entire lives in a cage or chained up in the yard. This seems to build upon Florida Statute Section 828.073, which protects animals found in distress. Here’s a look at the Deltona ordinance.
But honestly, you shouldn’t need a law to tell you. Your dogs love you. Take them for a walk. And maybe pick up a new squeeky toy next time you’re on Amazon.
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