The Most Common New Year’s Resolutions Of 2024
Some of the most common resolutions that people have made this New Year’s, including improving their health, career and relationship.
Most people look at the emerging new year as so much more than just a number on the calendar. To a lot of us, the new year symbolizes a fresh start. An opportunity to make some choices, hoping to improve themselves and their lives moving forward. Forbes ran a poll, asking people what their New Year’s resolutions were as we enter the year 2024.If you look at the poll results, you will notice that most of the responses fall under three categories: health, career and relationships.
Resolutions to Improve Health This New Year’s
There are a lot of resolutions that will fall under the health category. In fact, most of the poll responses can be considered an improvement to your health, both mental and physical.
The number 1 overall response (48% of respondents) said that improving their fitness will be their focus in the new year. That’s not exactly a shock. It is well known that gym attendance is never higher than it is during the month of January, much to the chagrin of those who make the gym a regular part of their routine throughout the year. Nevertheless, nearly half of us will be making an effort to exercise more this year.
Improving mental health was the third most common response, accounting for 36% of the poll responses. As society continues to overcome some of the stigma attached to mental health, it has become an easier topic to discuss publicly and without shame. This progress has made it possible for the subject to move up the list of common resolutions. In fact, the desire to improve your mental health lead to 5% of poll participants stating that their New Year’s resolution this year is to meditate regularly.
Other health related resolutions include things like improving your diet (32%), quitting smoking (12%) and drinking less alcohol(3%). One thing is for sure, decisions to help improve your mind and body are never a bad thing and make for an idea resolution for the new year.
New Year’s Resolutions Involving Your Career
We have already covered the #1 (improve fitness) and #3 (improve mental health) responses to the New Year’s resolution poll. As for the second place response, 38% of respondents plan to improve their finances this year. The first step to accomplishing this goal can be as simple as establishing a budget, or sorting through expenses to find places to cut back – such as cancelling an unused streaming service or switching to some generic brand products. You could also help to improve finances by making efforts in the workplace to advance your career.
All of that being said, you can also pour yourself too much into your work, not leaving yourself enough time or energy for your personal life. That’s why 7% of respondents resolve to improve their work-life balance. To that point, 7% of people also want to make more time for their hobbies and 9% want to learn a new skill this year, which could be a hobby or perhaps a skill to apply towards your career.
New Year’s Resolutions That Impact Your Relationships
As social beings, relationships are critically important to our health and well-being. That may mean dating more or less this year, if you’re still in that world. most important, though, it means to nurture your existing relationships. Whether that’s your significant other, family or friends. Even though there is only one response on the New Year’s resolutions poll that falls under this category, at least 25% of the respondents want to make more time for loved ones this year. That number represents one-quarter of the population that believe their relationships are worth a little extra focus this year.
Bettering Yourself in the New Year
Making the decision to better yourself is never a poor choice. What is important to keep in mind is setting realistic goals for yourself. If you want to lose weight, quit smoking and drink less alcohol, tackling all of these goals at once may be setting yourself up for failure. Nothing has to chance overnight. Pick one goal, work on that and then move on to the next. Just stick with it and don’t be too hard on yourself if you stumble. We’re all human, none of us are perfect. If you’re trying to exercise more and have bad week where you skip the gym, don’t throw in the towel on your efforts. Forgive yourself and get back in there. Whatever you’re doing this year to improve your life, we wish you the best of luck!
Check out more details on Forbes’ New Year’s resolutions poll here!
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