Fort Myers Plans Midtown Infrastructure Upgrade Starting 2025
Fort Myers will kick off major changes to its Midtown district in late 2025, starting work near the city’s fire department and future police headquarters. Mayor Kevin Anderson is hopeful that extending downtown into Midtown will boost economic growth.
“Midtown is an extension of downtown and is an economic driver for this city, so by extending downtown with Midtown, you’re creating more drive more economic drive,” Anderson said to NBC2 News.
Split into four main phases, the first stage focuses on basic improvements. New street lights will light up dark areas, while wider sidewalks will accommodate pedestrians. The city’s lead engineer Nicole Setzer will manage construction.
“There’s going to be a lot of detours, a lot of asking traffic to go one way or the other. We will work with every single property owner who has a developed property and make sure that they have access to their site, but it is going to be messy,” Setzer told NBC2 News.
The district faces serious infrastructure problems. Midtown local for over 20 years, Peter Kramer told NBC2 News, “You don’t see any true revitalization going on, we certainly don’t have sidewalks or new curbs, we don’t even have light posts. It’s dark here at night.”
Once complete, the improved streets should help boost the economy. Construction will begin later this year.