A Guy Opens His Door on the Highway to Stop a Biker from Lane Splitting (NSFW Language)
Driver Tries To Block Lane Splitting Biker In California
There was a guy riding his motorcycle in California on the highway and was performing a completely legal act in the state known as ‘lane splitting’. A driver was upset over it and he opened his car door in an attempt to block the biker, which could have been dangerous.
According to reports from FunTransport, there is only one state where lane splitting is legal, and that is California. There are a number of states that don’t have lane splitting regulation such as Ohio, Texas, Delaware and Ohio to name a few. The majority of of states have lane splitting listed as illegal, so just make sure you know your states laws.
Regardless of how you feel about it, opening your car door in hopes of stopping someone isn’t the answer. If that motorcyclist wasn’t able to brake fast enough, he could have easily smashed into the car door and caused serious damage or been injured.
I liken it to the person who doesn’t enjoy the zipper merge. There is always that one person who feels obligated to hang a little too far into the other lane to eliminate the ability for cars to merge ahead of them. The zipper merge has been discussed on the show and we are always met with a 50/50 split it seems of people who agree with that procedure.
So, what do you think? Obviously the man on the bike wasn’t in the wrong because legally he is allowed to do that. But, it’s also a scary thing because if you do encounter a distracted or poor biker, they could clip your car and that is a recipe for disaster.
None of us are bikers on the show, but I know that none of us are the type to open their car door and try to impede someone on a bike. Stay safe out there!