World Renowned Astrophysicist Says Barbie World Is In The Florida Keys
The Barbie Movie is the smash hit of the summer with the movie now grossing over $1 billion dollars in worldwide box office sales. So it’s no surprise that people want to know more about the movie. One scientist has stepped up with his thoughts on where Barbie World is located. And his work shows that Barbie World is located right here in Florida. Specifically, in the Florida Keys.
In a post, Neil deGrasse Tyson reported his study of the movie and his conclusion on the location of the mythical Barbie World. He states “the Moon’s orientation places Barbie World between 20 & 40 degrees North Latitude on Earth. Palm trees further constrain latitude between 20 & 30 degrees.”
Neil then adds that the sun and moon rose and set over the ocean. So if located in the United States, Barbie’s home would be somewhere in the Florida Keys. I’m guessing with all this info, he’s seen the movie more than once. However, his findings were met with some skepticism.
If you’ve not seen the Barbie movie, there are spoilers ahead.
One flaw in the theory is that Barbie drove through a desert. There are no deserts in Florida. There’s also no mountain range in Florida. Unless you count Mount Trashmore in Broward county. I don’t think that’s what we saw in the movie.
Also, they took a space ship to travel from Barbie World to Los Angeles. That could mean travel from Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral. But the more likely scenario is that Barbie World exists on another planet. Or perhaps, alternate universe. But if Neil deGrasse Tyson says its in the Florida Keys, I’m inclined to believe that he’s correct. How you gonna argue with Neil deGrasse Tyson?
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