Woman Jumps Off Ride At Walt Disney World
Sometimes I wonder what goes through people’s heads when I hear about things like this…
Over the weekend a woman got the genius idea to jump off a ride at Disney World. She was on the “Living with the Land” ride in Epcot which takes guest on a water ride in tiny boats.
A video has surfaced on Instagram that shows the woman jumping off the ride to swipe a cucumber. The clip shows Martha suddenly jump into the water, grab a cucumber from a vine and then struggle to climb back into the boat. People can be heard yelling as she climbs back in.
I guess “keep your arms and hands inside the boat” didn’t apply to her.
I had the luxury of sitting behind these morons. They actually jumped off the boat 4 different times during the ride. pic.twitter.com/1hycg6xgj2
— Mark Avis (@bizmark23) June 21, 2021