New Study Shows Concert-Goers Live Longer Lives
If you’re looking to improve your life in 2020, you may want to consider attending more concerts, because a new study found that attending concerts helps extend your life.
The BMJ, formerly known asĀ The British Medical Journal, studied nearly 7,000 adults aged 50 years and older for 14 years and found that those that engaged with the arts (attended concerts, visited museums, attended plays, etc.) lived longer lives.
“People who engaged with receptive arts activities on an infrequent basis (once or twice a year) had a 14% lower risk of dying at any point during the follow-up (809/3042 deaths, hazard ratio 0.86, 95% confidence interval 0.77 to 0.96) compared with those who never engaged (837/1762 deaths),” found the study.
Its results also found, “People who engaged with receptive arts activities on a frequent basis (every few months or more) had a 31% lower risk of dying (355/1906 deaths, 0.69, 0.59 to 0.80), independent of demographic, socioeconomic, health related, behavioural, and social factors. Results were robust to a range of sensitivity analyses with no evidence of moderation by sex, socioeconomic status, or social factors. This study was observational and so causality cannot be assumed.”