Toto Will Now Cover a Weezer Song, Because Sometimes We Can Have Nice Things
This dance between Toto and Weezer, which started because of fan campaign for Weezer to cover the Toto classic “Africa,” continues and will now see Toto putting a spin on a Weezer track.
So, which track did they choose? “Hash Pipe” form 2001’s “Green Album.”
In an interview with KROQ, Steve Lukather said Toto almost went with “Beverly Hills” but decided on “Hash Pipe” because he thought the track “had a better melody…I love the message, you know what I mean?…And we wanted to do it justice. We wanted to do our thing to it, but still pay respect to it.”
Toto’s “Hash Pipe” will be released in the near future, and while we doubt the two bands will continue going back and forth like this, we kind hope other bands somehow do the same thing.
Basically, we’re now calling on fans to request that their favorite band covers random songs just so sh*t like this happens again. It’s been a delightful distraction from everyday life, hasn’t it?
Erica Banas is a rock/classic rock blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.