High Speed Horse Chase
Was This A High Speed Horse Chase or Not? We don’t agree on everything. And sometimes, we are really splitting hairs. You will have to decide for yourself if you’re…

Was This A High Speed Horse Chase or Not?
We don't agree on everything. And sometimes, we are really splitting hairs. You will have to decide for yourself if you're on Dave's side or Chuck and Al's side. Watch this video of a "high speed" horse chase and you'll see what I'm talking about.
According to KKTV, "A Florida man learned a tough lesson Tuesday: you can’t outrun a horse. Mounted police in Jacksonville said they watched 25-year-old Jordan Wilson hand off illegal drugs. When he tried to flee the scene, Officer Cassie Haire pursued him on her horse, Nash. Wilson ignored commands to stop for a quarter mile.
So, initially Dave is impressed with the speed of this larger man in the video. He runs for a pretty long time as well. He's being pursued by a police officer on a horse and is able to evade for a good distance. Eventually, he's caught and arrested.
Then, Chuck isn't in agreement that this a high speed horse chase. Dave said the horse as galloping but Chuck thinks it might be more of a trot. Al chimes in siding with Chuck saying there's no way that horse is running really fast. Dave is sort of shocked that they are taking such a hard stance on whether or not the horse was galloping. Andy is most impressed with the larger guy's speed. Lisa couldn't care less about whether the horse was galloping or trotting.
What do you think? Was the horse galloping or could this be classified as a low speed chase. There are a few different levels of running for horses. Trots, cantors and then gallops. In my opinion this horse is in a light cantor!
It is impressive nonetheless. Not everyone could outrun a police horse, even at a trot for an extended period of time.