A Guy in a Facebook Group About Pointing Loaded Guns at Your Own Junk Accidentally Shoots Himself in the Junk
There’s a Facebook group that’s all about people taking pictures of themselves pointing loaded guns at their junk.
They say it’s all to troll responsible gun owners who would say basic gun safety means you don’t put your finger on the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.
So yeah, believe it or not, after all those pictures, Darwinism finally caught up with the group last week . . . and a guy in San Diego accidentally shot himself in the junk while he was taking a picture.
He says, quote, “Went through my scrotum, mattress, box spring, and floor.” He had an entrance and exit wound but was only in the hospital for one night and even went back to work the next day.
And now the other guys in the group are celebrating him as a HERO for basically sacrificing his junk to prove their group’s point. Whatever it may be.