
Dave’s Dracula Server

Dave Had a Server Who Spoke Like Dracula At A Restaurant It’s pretty common for us to be talking about one thing and then go off on tangent. Today, we…

Dave as Dracula Chuck and Andy as bats

Dave Had a Server Who Spoke Like Dracula At A Restaurant

It's pretty common for us to be talking about one thing and then go off on tangent. Today, we started talking about a woman from Fargo who caught a customer stealing her tips. Then, we ended up talking about an encounter Dave had with a server who spoke like Dracula. Just another day on Dave and Chuck the Freak.

According to reports from Valley News Live, a woman in Fargo, North Dakota filmed a man who she says stole her tip money at a Perkins restaurant. The woman said another server saw him take the tip money off the table. She confronted him, while filming, and got some of the money back.

So, we end up looking into Perkins a bit. We aren't really familiar with them because there are no locations near us in Michigan. Andy and Dave have had experiences with them in Ohio and Florida. It's your typical American restaurant. Chuck says that his parents would love a place like that. And, the Bryster would be ecstatic about the "gorgeous" booths.

When Dave hears Chuck mention the booths, he remembers a restaurant experience he just had over the weekend. During their weekend getaway, Dave and his wife went out to eat at a steakhouse. Dave said it was very strange. Mostly, because the server's assistant sounded like Dracula. Andy and Chuck both do their best Dracula impressions so we can imagine what Dave's encounter was like.

Also, Dave said he was escorted to a "fireplace" table. However, the "fireplace" was actually just a fire on a TV that was in the wall. And, the booths had curtains. So, if they had wanted some privacy, the could have pulled the curtains and had a private table.

It might not have been the greatest restaurant experience but as everyone says, at least it's a good story they can remember and talk about for years to come. And, we all got a laugh out of it as well.