Did A Student Have A NSFW Name During A College Graduation Ceremony?
Did a student have a NSFW name read during their college graduation ceremony? It certainly sounds like it!
Sometimes, students might try to pull a little prank during graduation for laughs. Maybe it’s doing something goofy on stage when your name is called or maybe you changed your name card to read something funny. I remember at my high school graduation I added a “Sir” in front of my name so they read that along with my full name. I’ve never sounded more dignified in my life. However, this does not appear to be a joke. It’s likely her real name, despite it sounding like the speaker was insulting the previous person announced. Meet “Yu Ang Shi” in the video video below. It happens at the 44:21 mark in the video.
Did A Student Have A NSFW Name At Graduation?
It really did sound like she was insulting the previous name announced! However, that’s just the next person’s name. Even in the way they said it, it kind of sounded like it could be an insult. That person announced right before had to have been confused. “Are you talking to me?” If you don’t understand how it sounds like a NSFW name, it kind of sounds like the announcer is saying “you ain’t sh*t” when they say the name “Yu Ang Shi.” Understand it better now?
It would be a hard job announcing all of these names. Not every name is easy to pronounce and you’re on the spot and have to nail it because chances are pretty high that many members of that person’s family are in the audience watching and they expect to have their name pronounced correctly and it would be a bit of a bummer if it wasn’t. You worked hard to graduate and get your degree and after all that time and money you finally get your recognition and they botch the pronunciation of your name. It would certainly sting.
Have you seen something like this happen at a graduation? Did it happen to you? While nothing like this happened at mine, I did graduate or go to school with some students with some pretty unique names. Some of the first ones to come to mind are Crystal Clear, Justin Case, and William Williams. Those are a few of the standouts. Congratulations to all of these students on graduating, most importantly shoutout to Yu Ang Shi. Don’t listen to the haters, you’re going places.