
Florida Man Opens Front Door, Gets Bitten By Alligator

When I first moved to Florida, I was convinced that an alligator would one day hide under my car and bite me as I unlocked the door in the morning….

The alligator was waiting on the porch.

(Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

When I first moved to Florida, I was convinced that an alligator would one day hide under my car and bite me as I unlocked the door in the morning. While that scenario never unfolded, I still check for the scaly critters, just in case.
Daytona Beach police officers got a call on Saturday night about an alligator attack. But it wasn't in the normal location. It wasn't next to a lake at sunset. It didn't happen to a little old lady as she walked her shih tzu. It happened to a man as he opened his front door to check about a noise that he had heard on his porch. Officers say they arrived on the scene at 9:42 pm Saturday night to find a man who appeared to have been bitten by an alligator. The man told police that once he opened the door, the alligator lunged at hom and bit down hard on his upper thigh. Because it was dark and the porch light was not on, the victim thought a dog had attacked him. Once he was able to free hiumself from the attack, he stepped back inside the house and slammed the door in front of him. That's when he discovered the open wound on his upper thigh, bleeding profusely.
The man, identified as Scott Hillingsworth, estimated the alligator to be about six or seven feet long and added that the reptile scampered away after he slammed the door. Once he saw the blood, he applied pressure to the bite until emergency crews arrived on the scene. The victim was later told by the Division of Wildlife that the gator was closer to nine feet long. Hollingsworth told police that they had seen lots of alligators in the pond close to his house, but they had never ventured onto their porch. Officials with Florida Fish and Wildlife contcted a trapper, who euthanized the beast later the same day. The victim required surgery at the hospital and is expected to recover fully. Hillingsworth, who is an avid motorcyclist, says he'll probably have to wait until next year to visit Daytona Bike Week, admitting that it will be a while before he can ride again. Source:


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