Florida Man Spends Tax Return On 1 Pound Of Weed, Immediately Regrets It
“There was a strong smell of marijuana eminating from the vehicle” as an officer approached Florida man’s car.
It’s not the first time an American has spent his income tax return in an unwise way. When you a shiny new set of 24s on a $600 car? Tax return. When you see the box to an 80 inch TV in front of a single-wide? Tax return. When I have two dozen fresh organic eggs at mny house? Tax return. It’s a flex of sorts. But some people have different prioroties. Take Florida man, who decided to spend his tax return on a pound of weed.
Deputies in Monroe County say they pulled over 31-year-old Alexander Rey Rivero of Big Coppitt Key for driving 35 mph in a 25 mph zone. When they approached his Infinity, they noted a strong aroma of marijuana. When deputies questioned the suspect, he admitted to them that he had recently bought a pound of weed with his tax return. When asked for his driver’s license, it was also discovered that Rivero was driving without a license. Rivero was charged with possession of marijuana and driving without a valid driver’s license.
Once the deputy detected the presence of marijuana in the suspect’s car, he confronted the man, who admitted to driving without a license and possession of marijuana. The man also told the officer where he had hidden the weed and how he’d bought it with his $500 tax return. Rivero was jailed in the Monroe County Jail, where he remains with no bond amount listed. Source: TampaFP.com
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