
Ian Continues To Screw Florida

Ian was an a-hole. Actually, I should say he IS an a-hole, because he’s still screwing up Florida. On top of flooding and damaged property, you’ve probably noticed the onslaught…

Pests find homes where they can.

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Ian was an a-hole. Actually, I should say he IS an a-hole, because he's still screwing up Florida. On top of flooding and damaged property, you've probably noticed the onslaught of critters and creepy crawly thingies. Exterminators and wildlife removal experts have been very busy treating ant infestations, rat problems and mosquito swarms.

You see, when a hurricane hits, it disturbs natural habitats for wildlife, leaving them to venture out and find new places to live. Everything from alligators to rats are more visible, which can be alarming. One species that has done quite well after the storm is bagworms. You've seen the web-like masses hanging in trees, constantly in slow-motion and looking like a creature from a Stephen King book. Other nasty, slimy critters include ants, millipedes and the old standard, roaches. Add to that wolf spiders that are large enough to steal your SUV and you've got issues. Did you know that Tampa is the largest pest-control market in the United States? Yup.

One way you can alleviate the situation in your area is to get rid of debris. Whether it's a pile of wood and brush or a small puddle of water. Be careful though, these environments may contain venomous spiders or snakes. The good news is, there are professionals who handle things like this every day. About 25% of Floridians have reported problems with roaches, while 4% reported rats inside their home. Freaking ugh!

Though Tampa and its suburbs avoided most of the wrath of Ian, there were still many miles of habitat that were altered or destroyed, forcing rodents and other critters to find homes elsewhere. Pest experts say things will get back to normal eventually, but not soon. Sometimes the effects of huge storms last months or even years. Source:

Ian Continues To Cause Problems

Hurricanes Really Mess-Up The Environment