
Florida Orange Harvest Lowest in 80 Years

The last time Florida’s orange production was this low, we were fighting Adolf Hitler in World War 2. Even worse, this year’s projected output was calculated before Hurricane Ian hit….

The numbers are staggering.

(Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

The last time Florida's orange production was this low, we were fighting Adolf Hitler in World War 2. Even worse, this year's projected output was calculated before Hurricane Ian hit. To say we're having a bad year is a gross understatement.
On October 12th, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said production figures for various citrus varieties was the lowest it's been since the 1940s. Since ian roared through, uprooting trees and flooding groves, the numbers are expected to be even worse. Florida is known for oranges, tangleos, grapefruit and tangerines, but this year has seen our percentage of total world podcution sink even further. The total amount of ornages grown in Florida in 2022 weighed in at only 28 million boxes this year. Taking a closer look at the numbers, Florida orange production fell 32% since last year and grapefruit production is down 40%. Since Ian showed up, projected output between now and December is in question.
The Department of Agriculture says it's not the end of the world, however. Florida was expecting some new technology to positively affect crops later this year and disaster assistance is on its way to help growers. There is also good news for history buffs. Shortly after the 1940s, when orange gorwers experienced the worst production ever, output rose every year for the next couple of decades, eventually producing over 110 million boxes of oranges in a single year. Source:

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