Stans Concert Ticket Stubs
Ready to take a step back through time? Stan has provided us with some gems today. You see, Stan has been to a LOT of concerts, and some of these…

Ready to take a step back through time? Stan has provided us with some gems today. You see, Stan has been to a LOT of concerts, and some of these concert ticket stubs date back to even before he started at 96K-rock. Stan keeps these stubs on display at his house, with each stub a memory of that night. Since you aren't invited to his house, we'll post them here. It's not that Stan doesn't want you at his house, we just don't want it to get weird. You understand.

Wow, the Rolling Stones stub is a work of art. It's sad to think that this form of collecting, the concert ticket stubs, is dying. Concerts now want you to just show your phone at the gate. You can't replace this type of nostalgia. And earlier month this technology dependency cancelled a show. The Weeknd had to cancel a MAJOR stadium show in Canada because - get this - there was an internet outage. A stadium show was cancelled because there was an internet outage. You can't put on a concert without internet because people's tickets are on their phones. Electricity? Maybe. But no internet? Cancel everything and go home.
However did we survive the 80's?