
A Couple Finds a Plastic Skeleton Hidden Behind Their Bathroom Wall

A couple in Canada was renovating their bathroom when they discovered a plastic skeleton behind some drywall.  It was standing upright between two wooden posts. It was fully-dressed, and the…


9th February 1949: Two men at work making skeleton models out of plastic for a firm in Pentonville Road who have supplied real skeletons to medical schools for nearly a…

Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images

A couple in Canada was renovating their bathroom when they discovered a plastic skeleton behind some drywall.  It was standing upright between two wooden posts.

It was fully-dressed, and the top pocket had a note that said "Boo!  Ha, ha.  Did I scare you?" . . . plus, the previous homeowner's name and the year, 2013.

Now this part isn't in the video, but it's also cool.  The skeleton had a flash drive in its wallet that explained the history of the house.  And there were photos of what the house looked like through the years, back to when the great-grandfather owned it.

Al BeckAuthor