5 Delicious And Healthful Snacks For New Years Wellness Goals
How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? Have you even made any yet? If not, there is still time. In addition, if eating better is on your radar,…

How are you doing on your New Year's resolutions? Have you even made any yet? If not, there is still time. In addition, if eating better is on your radar, I've got a few ideas that might just help. Here are 5 delicious and healthful snacks for New Years wellness goals and for TikTok Tuesday.
Health experts say that 25% or more of our calories every day come from snacks. It is important to make sure they are good ones. I know people who never really seem to eat a real meal. Their diets consist of little snacks all day long. I've even had some fitness trainers tell me to snack more often to "keep the metabolism fire burning." Permission to snack granted. Awesome!

These are my favorite kinds of snacks. However, they are not the ones to help you meet any New Year's health and wellness goals.
However, they don't mean chips, cookies and the likes. These things are so easy to grab and so good too. However, they can instantly derail your calorie count. In addition, they can set you on a path of less than stellar eating for the rest of the day or week. There are a couple of keys to avoiding this pitfall.
First, have healthful snacks in the house and at the office. Second, carve out a little time to do some snack prep. Finally, get creative when putting snacks together.
I've put together five videos that stood out in my feed this week. If you don't have a TikTok account, don't worry. All you have to do is scroll down and hit play from this post. In addition, all of these videos are office friendly and kid friendly. Share them with your friends who are also trying to eat more healthfully for the New Year.
Here are 5 delicious and healthful snacks For New Years Wellness Goals
Crunchy Cucumbers
Even if this snack does not appeal to you, you have to agree that this knife hack is pretty cool. I could use this technique for all kinds of things including garnishes in drinks.
Healthful Sweets
Warning, you need to get past her six pack of abs. She strategically places them in every shot. I doubt eating this snack will get you that flat belly. However, it's a good replacement for processed sweets.
For Cheese Lovers
This one is super simple and fast. It also has a nice blend of textures. If you are watching your dairy intake, just substitue vegan or non-dairy cheeses if you have one you like. The seasoning is key.
Crunchy Snack Lovers
Chic peas pack protein and are yummy as a crunchy snack. However, it is not always easy to get that nice crunch when you do it yourself. There are a couple of theories when it comes to oven temperature. Here is one.
Good Use Of Rice Cakes And Protein Powder
This one has a blend of texture as well as savory and sweet. I've tried this peanut butter powder and it does taste good. Now just get a good protein power and you are set. Perhaps put fruit on top too.