Why Was A Pokémon World Championship Finalist Disqualified During A Match?
Why was a Pokémon World Championship Finalist disqualified during a match. Well, he did something you couldn’t do in the video games, that’s for sure. If you’re into sports, then…

Why Was A Pokémon World Championship Finalist Disqualified During A Match? (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Justin Sullivan/Getty ImagesWhy was a Pokémon World Championship Finalist disqualified during a match. Well, he did something you couldn't do in the video games, that's for sure.
If you're into sports, then you know that competition can be fierce. It can bring the absolute worst out of people and you might even do something out of character. It turns out, Pokémon World Championship is no different than your other favorite sports. So, what did a finalist do to be disqualified during a match?
Why Was A Pokémon World Championship Finalist Disqualified During A Match?
If you're into Pokémon, then you know there is nothing bigger than the Pokémon World Championship. The event is being held in Hawaii this year and the competition is on. It features some of the best of the best in the world of the trading card game. Players can earn an entry into the World Championships by earning points from events like the European International Championships in which you can also win a lot of money, per Metro.
American competitor Ian Robb reached the quarter-finals and went up against Fernando Cifuentes from Chile. Robb ended up winning the match, at least at first. Despite winning the match, it was Cifuentes who ended up advancing to the semi-finals because Robb was disqualified. It looks like fans on social media found a clip of Robb appearing to give a rude gesture during the match while looking at someone off screen. Was that the jerk-off gesture? It certainly looks like it! Looks like he got a little too excited during the match. A bit too pumped. You can watch the social media video that allegedly got him in trouble below.
It sounds like that video was enough to get him booted from the competition for unsportsmanlike conduct, per Metro. It's since started a debate online over whether or not he intended something rude with the gesture. Some people are saying it's a rolling the dice symbol that's often used in Pokémon TCG games to add an element of chance. Others are saying no way and that it's obviously the jerk-off motion he was busted doing.
Despite Cifuentes advancing instead of him, it sounds like Robb will be putting his support behind the Chilean. What do you think? Was he rolling the dice to show that he's gambling and taking risks? Or was that the jerk-off gesture? Let us know what you think!
5 Extreme Red Bull Sports That Should Be In The Olympics
The Summer Olympics will take place in Paris, France this Summer! Unfortunately, there's not much to look forward to this year. There aren't many well-known athletes competing in the games this year. Ratings aren't expected to be great this time around. However, there is a way to bring a huge amount of viewers to the TV to watch the games. It will just require some changes to the games. Here are 5 extreme Red Bull sports that should be in the Olympics!
These extreme sports will likely not be in the games any time soon. However, if they want good ratings they should definitely add these sports to the lineup.
5 Extreme Red Bull Sports That Should Be In The Olympics
The Paris games kick off Friday, July 26th and it will conclude on August 11th. At the 2024 Paris Games, there will be swimming, archery, rhythm gymnastics, tennis, diving, wrestling, and more. Sound exciting? Yeah, didn't think so. However, if they added some extreme sports, things would probably be more interesting! Honestly, right now the thing I'm looking forward to seeing the most are cool shots of Paris. It's a beautiful city. The competition? Not very exciting this time around.
Red Bull Sports have been making waves for a while now. They've done some very extreme stuff that has gone viral. Some of the things they've done have never been attempted before, and probably never will be again. That's the kind of activity I want to see at the games! I can watch people swim in any public pool at any time during the summer months. These extreme sports are much harder to find.
Seriously, they should consider doing this. It's not like they'd struggle to find athletes to compete in the games. There are people doing daring stunts and participating in extreme sports in every country in the world, I imagine. Additionally, people love watching this kind of stuff! It's time to update the games a little. We need to bring them into the 21st century. How do we do that? Extreme sports. Here are 5 Red Bull sports I'd like to see integrated into the Olympics.
Wingsuit Racing
Come on! Who wouldn't want to watch this? They're going at insanely fast speeds at ridiculous heights! Not to mention someone could get seriously hurt at any minute. You wouldn't be able to look away. Well, I know I wouldn't be able to. This needs to be added at the games.
Space Free Fall
Remember this? It went viral when it happened back in 2012, turning Felix Baumgartner into a household name. Now, we've seen it's possible. Let's bring it to the games! You could see who does the most tricks, has the best landing, I'm not sure if you could do speed because of gravity, but there's a lot you can do! Sure, it might take a while, but so does the swimming! Countries have fought over the Space Race for years, now we could bring that battle back, in a slightly different way!
Cliff Diving
Diving is already a part of the Olympic Games, why not add a little extra flavor? Those gyms and pools they dive into are so boring. Can't we have them jump from a cliff? Or throw some sharks in the water, or something? They need to think about we the viewer. Then they can address the athlete's needs and safety.
Extreme Kayaking
This would be really cool to see! Of all the options, this might be the closest to reality. I could see it actually happening! At least, to an extent. The sounds, the view, the rush! It's all so amazing. I'd much rather watch this than two guys wrestling. Not even the cool wrestling, either!
Funky Bike Race
Is it me, or do the Olympic Games take themselves a little too seriously? Let's add some lighthearted fun with this Funky Bike Race. Each team could built their own, or use something native to their home country. It was be fascinating, entertaining, and educational! Think about all the culture and things you could learn about unfamiliar countries around the world! This could end up becoming the most entertaining game in all of the Olympics. They just need to take a leap and add it to the lineup!
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