Girl Finds 60,000 Bees In Her Closet
A girl found 60,000 bees in her closet after thinking there were monsters in there. Turns out, she wasn’t wrong! Honestly, a monster might have been preferred. This is a…

A girl found 60K bees in the closet (Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)
Peter Macdiarmid/Getty ImagesA girl found 60,000 bees in her closet after thinking there were monsters in there. Turns out, she wasn't wrong!
Honestly, a monster might have been preferred. This is a nightmare scenario. Here's more on the surprise this North Carolina family found in their home.
Charlotte Girl Discovers 60K Bees In Her Closet
Hearing monsters in the closet is something every kid goes through. As a parent, you have to tell them there's nothing there. They're just hearing things or it's in their imagination. However, you never expect there to actually be some sort of monster in there. In this case, that monster is 60,000 bees.
Sure, it's not Monsters Inc. but finding 60K bees in her closet had to have been shocking for this young girl and her family. According to BBC, a beekeeper discovered tens of thousands of bees above the girls bedroom. The family got heat cam video of these bees in her closet and it's scary stuff! Personally, I think there are few things scarier on this earth than bees. Their look, their sound, their stingers--all of it gets me. I'm more afraid of them now than when I was young! This would be my personal nightmare.
Months went by with young Saylor saying she heard something in her closet, but her parents wrote it off as her being a kid--she had just seen the movie Monsters Inc., after all. So, it made sense that she would develop that feeling and fear. However, they never expected to actually find 60,000 bees in her closet.
BBC reports the bees would have spent 8 months building this massive hive. You know it's a big deal when even the beekeeper tells you they've never seen anything like this or a hive that went that far down into the wall. BBC reports that the honeybees damaged the house's electric wiring but the homeowner's insurance won't cover anything pest-related because it's considered preventable.
Check out the thermal camera video below that the family shared on TikTok!
7 Of The Wildest Animals Caught On Tape Stories From Dave & Chuck The Freak
We talk about all sorts of wild topics on Dave & Chuck "The Freak." There are wild crimes, wild people, and wild animals. Now, we're going to focus on the wild animals and headlines they've made. Here are 7 of the wildest animals caught on tape stories heard on Dave & Chuck "The Freak!"
Animals are marvelous to watch. Sometimes it's for their beauty, often it's for their mystery, and then there are times that animals are absolutely wilding out. These are those types of stories! Let's dive in!
7 Wildest Animals Caught On Tape Stories From Dave & Chuck The Freak
First, it's not always the predators that are behaving in ways that end up in the news. It can be the smallest and most innocent of animals...or, sure, it could be a violent predator. Sometimes, the animals are behaving a specific way completely unprovoked, other times they're responding to something a person has done. If you mess around with wild animals, there's a good chance you're going to find out why that's a terrible idea.
Typically, these kinds of endings can be avoided. A good way to not end up the star of a news story alongside a wild animal? Keep a safe distance. You'll notice in most of these stories and videos, the problems could have been avoided if people just used a little bit of common sense. Don't antagonize wild animals and be careful if you're close to the animal. Especially if it's significantly bigger than you!
Below, we've put together 7 of the wildest animal stories shared on Dave & Chuck "The Freak." However, you can find many more at or by listening to the podcast! In these stories, we'll come across a wide variety of animals. Some of them can only be found far, far away. Most can be found somewhere in North America. While others could be right in our backyard. Or, already in the house! There's even an animal that's a repeat offender, and you'd never guess which animal it is! Find out below!
Guests Witness 'Wild' Sex Act At Disney's Animal Kingdom
You never know what you might see when you're at the most Magical Place On Earth. It could be a breathtaking display of fireworks, or something more unexpected. These guests witnessed a 'wild' sex act at Disney's Animal Kingdom!
I suppose you could say it's merely "The Circle Of Life." However, these guests definitely got more than they bargained for. They left with a story they'll be able to share forever.
Moose Is Loose: Moose Chases Skiers Down Mountain
Skiers and snowboarders in Wyoming got a big surprise from Mother Nature! Watch as a large moose chases skiers down a mountain in Jackson Hole, Wyoming!
It would be incredibly frightening! You're on a mountain and there's really only one way to go: down. Check out this viral video below!
Herd Of Cows Chase DoorDash Driver
One could say these cows had some serious beef. Watch as a herd of cows chase a DoorDash driver in Wisconsin.
Now, this might be common in Wisconsin. I know they love their cows and cheese there. However, anywhere else this is incredibly rare!
Have You Ever Heard Of A Mosquito Tornado?
Insects are annoying. We all know that. However, what we don't all know about is a thing called a Mosquito Tornado. It's probably something we should know about. Sure, insects can be annoying. However, this sounds extreme!
I shutter even thinking about the name Mosquito Tornado. So, what is it? Check out the story in the Tweet above!
Woman Drove Around With A Hidden Rattlesnake In Her Car For Two Weeks
You never know what might be in your car. Maybe there's something you lost of misplaced months ago. There could also be a bee trapped inside, or something inconvenient and scary. However, a bee being stuck in the car doesn't compare to this. A woman reportedly drove around with a hidden rattlesnake in her car for two weeks! See more on the story, along with a video, above!
Moose Charges At Men Who Ignored Pleas To Leave Animal Alone
Well, some people just don't listen. Eventually, they'll learn their lesson. It looks like these two men certainly will be learning theirs. Watch this video where a moose charges at men who ignored repeated pleas to leave the wild animal alone. Watch these guys get what they had coming in the link above!
A Tourist Fights With A Feisty Kangaroo At An Australian Wildlife Park
Ugh. Americans already have a bad reputation around the world, and this isn't going to help! An American Tourist got into a fight in Australia...with a kangaroo. Granted, the kangaroo seemed to initiate things. However, I'm sure America will still take the blame on this one. Check out the fight in the link above!