Florida Man Hears Sneeze, Catches Naked Guy Peeping In Window
We’ve all heard the term, but few of us have actually experienced a Peeping Tom. The term originated back in the 1700s, when Lady Godiva rode naked on horseback through…

The homeowner heard a sneeze in the darkness.
(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)We've all heard the term, but few of us have actually experienced a Peeping Tom. The term originated back in the 1700s, when Lady Godiva rode naked on horseback through the streets of Coventry, England to protest taxation. Everyone turned away except one guy. That was Tom. Weird, huh? Since then, the term has grown to mean people who creep around in bushes, peeking in windows to watch unsuspecting people in their homes.
A man in Coral Springs ran across a Peeping Tom recently, when he woke up at about 3 a.m. As the homeowner wandered through his home, he suddenly heard a sneeze. The sound came from his own screened-in patio. When the man peered into the night, he noticed a man standing in the darkness. The man was totally naked and looking into the window where the homeowner's wife lay sleeping. The homeowner demanded that the man, later identified as 40-year-old, Diego Rocha, leave the property. However, Rocha did not respond. That's when the homeowner went outside and tackled the man. His wife, who had gotten up during the altercation, called 911 as her husband held the suspect until police arrived on the scene.
When police arrived, they found the man being held in the backyard. Investigators say they also found a damaged piece of furniture on the proeerty that was covered in fecal matter. Officers also discovered the suspect's car, a Nissan Versa, parked about a block away. The car was still running and the door was open. Rocha's wallet, clothes and phone were all inside the car. During questioning, Rocha told investigators that he didn't remember anything about the night because he was drunk. He told officers he had consumed several alcoholic beverages before he blacked out.
Rocha was arrested and charged with burglary, criminal mischief and exposure of sexual organs. He pleaded not guilty to all charges and posted bail. Source: TapInto.net
These Nights Changed Rock History
8 Crazy Nights In Rock History
Hanukkah 2024 begins at sundown on December 25 and will continue through January 2, 2025.
According to Time, this is the first time since 2005 that the first night of Hanukkah falls on the same day as Christmas. The outlet notes that since 1900, the first night of Hanukkah has fallen on Christmas in 1910, 1921, 1959, 2005, and 2024.
As for why Hanukkah starts on a different date each year, this is due to Jewish holidays being observed on a lunisolar calendar and not a 365-day Gregorian calendar, which is used with American and Christian holidays. Reader's Digest says a lunisolar calendar "keeps track of the earth’s orbit around the sun to determine a year’s length but also factors in the phases of the moon to determine the beginning and end of each new month." As a result, holiday dates don't always match up year after year.
Of course, one thing that was introduced a few decades ago that hasn't changed is Adam Sandler referring to Hanukkah as “Eight Crazy Nights” in the iconic "Hanukkah Song." (Shout out to David Lee Roth, who lights the menorah.)
With this in mind, we thought we’d look back at eight crazy nights in rock history. Enjoy and Happy Hanukkah!
Bulletproof Vest On Board
He was watchng the man's wife in bed...