Florida Man Steals Boat, Heads To Cuba, Gets Busted
Investigators say a 30-year-old Miami man disliked living in the United States and wanted to return back to his home in Cuba. That’s when he came up with a plan…

He took the fishing boat and headed out.
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)Investigators say a 30-year-old Miami man disliked living in the United States and wanted to return back to his home in Cuba. That's when he came up with a plan that involved stealing his boss's boat and leaving the country. Unfortunately, the plan went south when the boat broke, leaving the man bobbing in the waves without an engine.
Authorities in the Florida Keys say they arrested the man on Monday after his plan to return to Cuba went terribly wrong. According to the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, they recieved a report of a stolen 40-foot commercial fishing boat on Monday. The owner also told investigators that he had an idea where it could have gone. He said he had a former employee who had mentioned wanting to head back to Cuba after deciding that he did not like the U'S. From that point, it didn't take long to find the boat and the suspect. Deputies say an emergency homing beacon was activated from the stolen vessel about 50 miles south of Key West. When Coast Guard crews reached the incapacitated boat, they found the suspect waving his arms at them and floating without power. Authorities took the man into custody and took him back to Key West where he has been charged with larceny and burglary. Source: Local10.com
When The Keys Were Deserted
Boat Parades Rule!
They found him floating without power...