Charlotte County Polling Locations
An important message from Paul Stamoulis, your Charlotte County Supervisor of Elections in regards to Charlotte County Polling Locations: As you know, Hurricane Ian had a devastating effect on our…

An important message from Paul Stamoulis, your Charlotte County Supervisor of Elections in regards to Charlotte County Polling Locations:
As you know, Hurricane Ian had a devastating effect on our county. In addition to our homes and business being damaged, Ian is going to have a profound impact on where our voters go to vote during the upcoming General Election.
There will now be four Early Voting centers available to all registered voters of Charlotte County irrespective of where they live. The Early Voting period has been extended by two days. The Early Voting period now begins on October 24 and continues thru and includes Election Day on November 8th.
If you are used to Early Voting at the Mid-County Public Library, that facility is no longer avail to us.
The four Early Voting locations are:
Charlotte County Administration Building: Murdock Circle, Port Charlotte
Also, Jarrett Ford of Charlotte County: Tamiami Trail (corner of US 41 and Olean Blvd)
Additionally, Mac V. Horton West County Annex: San Casa Drive, Englewood
Finally, Old Historic Courthouse: Taylor Street, Punta Gorda
For Election Day, voters may continue to vote at the voting location to which they have been assigned and, at
which they have traditionally voted. The exception is the five following locations which are unavailable due to
their hurricane damage:
Mid-County Public Library has been moved to the Charlotte County Administration Building
Port Charlotte Beach Park has been moved to Meadow Park Elementary School
Port Charlotte Middle School has been moved to the Jarrett Ford Dealership (US41 & Olean Blvd)
Charlotte County Fairgrounds has been moved to Murdock Middle School
Burnt Store Presbyterian Church has been moved to S. Punta Gorda Heights Civic Assoc.
If you have any questions, you can go to our website at and follow the directions, or you can call our office at 941-833-5400.
As always, everyone here at the Supervisor of Elections Office thanks its citizens for continuing to offer us the opportunity to serve them.
Charlotte County Polling Locations