Florida Woman Arrested After Driving With Hazard Lights On – Police Find 28 Used Syringes Of Liquid Meth
She done ‘methed up‘. This Florida woman was arrested in Calhoun County, Florida, just west of Tallahassee. The tale of today’s Florida woman comes to us According to the Calhoun…

She done 'methed up'. This Florida woman was arrested in Calhoun County, Florida, just west of Tallahassee. The tale of today's Florida woman comes to us According to the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office, Florida:
On Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at approximately 2137 hours, Deputy Ayers and Deputy Norris were conducting routine patrol in the Mossy Pond Community.
During this time, Deputy Ayers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for driving with its hazard lights on. Once Deputy Ayers made contact with the driver, Ashley Nichole Klaiss, it was determined that Klaiss’ driver license was currently revoked.
At this time, probable cause was established to search the vehicle. During a search of the vehicle, Deputy Ayers located twenty-eight used syringes, one “loaded” syringe that contained liquid methamphetamine, a plastic container with methamphetamine inside, a metal spoon containing methamphetamine residue, and approximately one gram of marijuana.
Klaiss was taken into custody and charged.

It's amazing how many people come to visit Florida without realizing the dangers that wait for them. The Florida bugs are real. We already did 14 Animals in Florida That Can Kill You, so let's get smaller. Come to think of it, we talked about the six venomous snakes of Florida. I guess we're doing a trilogy. And not like a Star Wars trilogy where they go back and do prequels and then spin offs. I need to finish this series because it creeps me the 'f' out. You know what else creeps me out? Those giant frogs that sit in my driveway at night. I walk outside minding my own business and this big creepy bastard is staring at me.

As I said, let's get small. Here's the list of the creepy crawly things that could be hiding anywhere ready to ruin your day. Or maybe - end your life. Florida bugs. And before you start blowing me up in the comment section, I realize that spiders aren't bugs. Just stop it. Stop it. Ok?
Red Fire Ant
These little bastards are the most dangerous when they swarm. Their attacks are especially bad when you're wearing flip flops and the bites when drive you nuts for a week. Some people are allergic to the venom. I'd advise those people to stay inside because a few bites from these guys can kill you.

What might be a harmless, annoying bite might be something a lot worse, like West Nile virus or. encephalitis. Want some more? Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika viruses as well as malaria.

Red Widow
Hold up, hold up - what? They come in other colors too? Well, not anywhere else. Just here in Florida. The Red Widow is only found in the pine scrub forests of Florida. Was it a Red Widow that bit you. Well, the muscle spasms might be a clue. I find as a cartoon they're less scary.

Buck Moth Caterpillar
Yeah, don't try to pick one up, these thing are covered with venomous bristles. For most people the sting will suck. But if you get anaphylaxis, Well that can kill you.

Caterpillar or larva form of The buck moth, Hemileuca maia (Drury), is a member of Saturniidae, the giant silkworm family - prickly stingers orange yellow black coloring, red head, on wooden fence
Southern Black Widow
You probably won't die if you get bit. Unless you're sick or very young. If you see one you can usually just back away, but if you run into one - not good.

A Black Widow Spider spinning a web in an oak tree.
Northern Black Widow
Hey look, there's a third one of these things. Bite victims can experience debilitating muscle cramps, nausea, and high fevers for up to 24 hours after being bitten. Their venom is 15 times more toxic than that of a rattlesnake.
Brown Widow
Why not, let's do another. These things like to nest in cars and are twice as venomous as black widows. Fun, huh?

Female Adult Brown Widow of the species Latrodectus geometricus
Saddleback Caterpillar
He looks like he's wearing a little shirt. Don't touch, the venom on those spines destroys tissue.

saddleback caterpillar (Acharia Hyperoche), shot in Costa Rica.
Puss Caterpillar
First of all, super gross name. It's so fluffy looking you just want to pet it. Don't. All of those cute little hairs are actually venomous barbs that often stick into the skin when touched.
Io Moth Caterpillar
Grab one and watch the swelling begin! And for an extra treat, The spines can break off and embed themselves in the skin, causing prolonged irritation until the barb is removed.

Io Moth Caterpillar (Automaris Io). Photographed by acclaimed wildlife photographer and writer, Dr. William J. Weber.
Wolf Spider
When I first moved into my house one of these was inside my pool cage one night. That Wasp & Hornet spray came in handy. The good? Getting bit by one of these will suck but isn't nearly as bad as others on the list. The bad? They are aggressive and will bring the fight to you.

A wolf spider is crawling through the grass.