Conspiracy Theory Thursday: Strange screams heard in the skies of Texas
Daniel Robb, a resident from Bryan, Texas, recorded bizarre screams coming from the skies during a thunder storm last week. Daniel wrote on YouTube that the incident occurred on May 23rd, writing:…

Daniel Robb, a resident from Bryan, Texas, recorded bizarre screams coming from the skies during a thunder storm last week.
Daniel wrote on YouTube that the incident occurred on May 23rd, writing:
"May 23rd between 8:30-9:30 p.m. I heard a very strange sound coming from outside my apartment. There was a lightning storm going on pretty good at the time.
It sounded like the high pitched shrieking of some type of banshee.
It was so loud it made the hairs on my arms and my neck stand tall. It filled the entire night sky! I've never heard anything like it before."
After some investigative work, KBTX evening news anchor Rusty Surette got to the bottom of the noise.
Rusty wrote on Twitter "WHAT IS THAT NOISE? We got a lot of calls about this last night. Texas A&M says it was a pressure release valve that went off and released steam at the Global Health Research Complex on campus. (Freaky, right?)"