Home/96krock96krockDad grills daughter’s date on the families Ring Doorbell!Check out this dad grilling his daughter’s date using the families ring doorbell camera and mic! rgarguiloPublished Aug 15, 2019 2:51 PM EDTBling Bling Trap TVShare this storyCheck out this dad grilling his daughter's date using the families ring doorbell camera and mic!Share this story96 k rockdad grills daughters date on ring doorbelldad ring doorbelldoorbellringring doorbellStan and Haney ShowThe Stan and Haney ShowViral VideorgarguiloEditorRelated Stories96krock2025 Rock Hall Fan Vote: Current StandingsErica Banas // Rock Music Reporter96krockLee County Schools Ban Cell Phone Use During Class Time, Add Bus Driver IncentivesDiana Beasley96krockFort Myers Law Firm Changes Name To Mark New Leadership EraRebecca Allen