Ice Nine Kills: Metalcore Band Gets Banned by Disney, Mocks Ban with New Merch
Metalcore band Ice Nine Kills were slated to perform at the Orlando, Fla. location of the House of Blues on April 26. The venue, which is located within Disney Springs…

Metalcore band Ice Nine Kills were slated to perform at the Orlando, Fla. location of the House of Blues on April 26. The venue, which is located within Disney Springs on the grounds of Walt Disney World Resort, pulled the plug on the gig. Why? Because they deemed the band and their use of violent imagery too "evil."
So, how has Ice Nine Kills responded? By doing what any clever band would do: Release a bunch of new merch mocking Disney and the mouse they rode in on.
The band shared the post below to their Facebook page along with this caption:
"As many of you know a certain mouse-loving enterprise has deemed us too “evil” to perform at a certain Orlando venue of theirs. Rather than protest, we are accepting this seemingly misguided assumption with great honor. To celebrate the banishment, we are dedicating our ‘Nightmare on the Ninth’ monthly special to the launch of Check out our most devilish designs yet, and bask in the darkness of Lucifer, with your favorite horror-loving psychopaths. These shirts are extremely limited and will never be available online again."
The newly launched merch features some of Disney's most iconic characters dressed up as horror film icons. Mickey Mouse is Freddie Krueger, while Goofy is done up as Leatherface. It looks like the band mixed up Daffy Duck for Donald Duck, which is depicted as Pennywise, but it's still a funny shirt.
For more details on these shirts, go to, which is a website domain I'm shocked was still available. You better act quickly, because Disney will surely send a cease and desist as soon as humanly possible.
Erica Banas is rock/classic rock news blogger that loves the smell of old vinyl in the morning.