More people are interested in dining out in Southwest Florida for Thanksgiving this year and it is for quite a few reasons. For some, dining out IS their holiday tradition. No one has to host, worry about cooking, clean up and those guests who always stay too long.
Then there are the rising food costs. The Farm Bureau says the cost of purchasing all you need for a Thanksgiving feast is up 20%. In some cases, it is actually cheaper to eat out which sounds crazy.
Finally, many Southwest Floridians have homes so damaged by Hurricane Ian, hosting a dinner is simply out of the question. We also know some people, this year, just don’t have the energy or inspiration either. Thanksgiving looks a lot different for a lot of us.

Many Americans don’t want the mess at home. They want to dine out for Thanksgiving this year.
If your finances are tight this year and you can’t dine out or even purchase the food needed to make a traditional meal, don’t give up hope. There are a number of agencies giving out turkeys and all of the fixins to help you prepare a delicious Thanksgiving meal. Look for that information to follow shortly.
In the meantime, if dinning out is sounding more and more appealing to you this year, don’t delay preparations any longer. Make your reservations as soon as possible. This is especially true if you have a big party. Many places have limited seating and the demand is expected to be high.
Interested in dining out in Southwest Florida for Thanksgiving? We’ve put together this list to help. All of these restaurants have a decent amount of space which is important to note. Thanksgiving dinning tends to include bigger parties when considering friends and family. Keep checking back as we will update this when possible.