Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about unspoken/unwritten rules in life, a doomsday preacher claiming an alien possessed her husband to have sex with her, a crazy video of a semi dragging a car along an expressway, a dude breaks into his neighbors home & tells police a big snake told him to do it, bride celebrates wedding with mannequin version of groom after he gets food poisoning, a wild moose attacked a kid in a Russian National Park, a dude broke the world record for loudest burp, Ask D&CtF: did a listener have an encounter with a roadside BJ psychopath, what should a guy do after finding out his former sugar momma had his baby 15 years ago, a police chief in trouble for impersonating a police officer, vaping may be bad for your boner, a gamer that set a new Guitar Hero world record, and more!