#1092 Report Says: NY Subway Power Outage Caused by User Error Download

15:02 Download September 15th, 2021

A Florida cat fell from the upper level of a stadium and was saved by a fan with an American Flag… Man stabbed a woman in the buttock with a syringe filled with semen sentenced to prison… Railway officials are warning against tiktoks on the tracks in the UK… A Maryland judge killed himself Friday morning when officials arrived at his house to arrest him for spying on children in bathrooms… The August 29th subway power outage in New York was ruled as human error, someone pressed a power switch that was supposed to have a cover on it but it didn’t… Man waiting at a McDonalds was crushed to death in a freak accident in Vancouver… A Florida woman pulled from the cab of a fire engine she tried to steal, said she drank the elixir of life… Shoppers on Wayfair were shocked when a coffee table was decorated with a white supremacy book… A Jersey City man returned to his apartment and had 10,000 dollars in sneakers stolen from him… Woman using a porta potty in New Mexico was locked on the inside when someone put a padlock on it…

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