Hot Or Not?: Woman In Trouble For ‘Aggressively Farting’ At Boyfriend’s Ex
The woman accused of aggressively farting at her boyfriend’s ex is getting the spotlight in the latest ‘Hot Or Not?’ Let’s play!
Have you ever played along with ‘Hot Or Not?‘ on Dave & Chuck The Freak before? It’s a very fun game and participating is quite simple. How does it go? We will give you details of a recent arrest and then based on those details–and those details alone–you’ll assign the suspect a number from 0-10 based on how hot you think they are based on those facts. Then, we’ll provide a photo of the suspect so you can see if you’re correct or not. Ready to play? Let’s go!
Hot Or Not?: Woman In Trouble For Aggressively Farting At Boyfriend’s Ex
25-year-old Rhiannon Evans is the subject of the ‘Hot Or Not?’ today. It’s actually believed that she’s the first person to ever face charges for cyber-farting over Christmas, per Metro. That’s a very interesting crime to be charged with. Evans reportedly sent the videos to Deborah Prytherech who claims the videos caused her distress and anxiety. Prosecutor Diane Williams describes the videos and says Evans “proceeds to pass gas by placing the camera on her bottom and passing the gas,” per Metro.
Metro reports that Evans sent 3 videos on December 22nd and then 4 more over the next few days which did include New Year’s Day and Boxing Day. These videos all reportedly showed Evans passing gas and then smiling at the camera. Eventually, police heard about what happened and ended up arresting her and bringing her before court. She claims she did it because her partner was being treated unfairly, per Metro. Harriet Gorst, the defending attorney, tells Metro, “There are some issues going on between Miss Evans’ partner and his ex-partner (Ms. Prytherech) with regard to child contact. At the time she sent these videos she had some drinks and she sent them, understanding now this has caused the victim some distress. She sent them without malicious intent.” However, Williams says that, “It was purely malicious. She was smirking throughout, found it hilarious but the victim didn’t,” via Metro.
Evans ended up being fined and will have to carry out 15 rehabilitation sessions and must abstain from using alcohol for 2 months. She was also given a 2-year restraining order preventing her from contacting the victim.
So, there are the details. Do you think you have a picture of the farter in your head? Maybe she’s different! Get that number in your head and then check out her picture below provided by Andrew Prince/View Finder.