How Was A Colorado Woman Hit With 15 Charges In 1 Arrest?
A Colorado woman was hit with 15 charges in 1 arrest! How did she manage to pull that off?
Usually, when you’re arrested you expect to face a charge. You did something wrong and that’s why you’re being arrested. Sometimes, you can catch a couple of charges if you committed a couple of crimes during your run. That happens and is pretty common. However, what’s not as common is getting hit with 15 charges in only 1 arrest. That’s a lot of charges! It can’t be easy to do that. However, it happened to this Colorado woman in Mesa County, Colorado. Sounds like her days on the run have finally come to an end. She had a pretty impressive run it sounds like though.
Colorado Woman Hit With 15 Charges In 1 Arrest
24-year-old Bridgett Fawcett has accomplished what few before her have done. She was hit with 15 charges in 1 arrest. Reports say she had a long history of evading law enforcement but that streak recently came to an end when she was finally captured after being pulled over in a car without its headlights on. She reportedly tried to give a fake name and was unable to identify who the car she was driving was registered to. Eventually, law enforcement was able to figure out who she was and that’s when she was hit with 15 charges. Again, that is a lot of charges.
So, what are all of the charges? According to Yahoo!, the charges include: 3 counts of vehicular eluding; 2nd-degree burglary; 3rd-degree motor vehicle theft; 1st-degree criminal trespass with intent to commit a crime; false reporting of identifying information to law enforcement officers; obstructing a peace officer, firefighter, or emergency personnel; theft of between $300 and $500; 3 counts of reckless driving; 3 counts of careless driving; 2 counts of speeding 40mph of more over the speed limit; speeding 25039mph over the speed limit; driving a vehicle while impaired by alcohol and/or drugs; driving under restraint; and a probation violation. That was a lot to write!
You can see her mugshot provided by the Mesa County Detention Facility below. Pretty scary mugshot! Are those meth marks? You tend to see that kind of scaring on meth addicts or meth users. That neck tattoo is also very intimidating. You can see more mugshots discussed on Dave & Chuck The Freak below. Some of them are wild, some crazy, some funny, and some are straight up scary.