Florida firefighter Attacked in “Shark Bite Capital of the World”
A Florida firefighter had the kind of day that most of us would call an absolute nightmare. According to FOX35, CJ Lyles was surfing at New Smyrna Beach, when he found himself in the jaws of a shark! The shark had bitten his hand, and blood was pouring everywhere. The dude didn’t panic, though. Instead, he hopped in his car and drove himself home. Talk about being calm and collected! Don’t worry, CJ’s girlfriend was there at the house ready to take him to the hospital.
Lyles, a 31-year-old paramedic and driver engineer, was just out there trying to catch some waves when a shark decided to catch him! He says the shark came out of nowhere and gave his hand a taste test. Lyles felt those razor-sharp teeth and knew right away he was in trouble. When the Florida firefighter looked down and saw the damage, it was clear this wasn’t a ‘throw a band-aid on it’ kind of situation.
Florida firefighter Patched Up:
Once he got to the hospital, doctors had to patch up two torn tendons in his left index finger and a lightly torn tendon in his middle finger. Lyles got the medical attention he needed, but you’d think after something like this, the guy would hang up his surfboard for good, right? Not even close. The Florida firefighter is already talking about getting back out there once his hand heals.
Sure, New Smyrna Beach might be known as the “Shark Bite Capital of the World,” but Lyles isn’t letting that stop him. He figures this was just one of those freak accidents. It’s not every day a shark decides to take a bite out of you, so why let it ruin the fun?
In a few weeks, Lyles will probably be back in the water, keeping an eye out for sharks but not letting fear take over. After all, the ocean is his playground, and one unlucky encounter isn’t enough to keep this Florida firefighter out of the game.