Woman Has 4 Pounds Of Skin Removed And Turned It Into Human Leather
Now this is SUPER bizarre. A woman who underwent weight loss surgery ended up with a bunch of loose skin. She had it removed but instead of just disposing of it she did something very ‘Buffalo Bill’ with it.
According to reports, the woman had 4 pounds of skin removed. Then she had it turned into human leather.
I might have a holdall made from my bum and belly!
— Dr Rachel Broady (@drrachelbroady) July 21, 2023
"... the self-styled Peelcasso even sent her surgeon a two-page letter on why she wanted to save her excess skin ..."https://t.co/kLxgKslZEe
She wrote her surgeon a letter explaining why she wanted to keep the skin and the hospital allowed her to do it. She then found a friend that could treat and tan the skin. Now she has a really cool-looking leather cumberbund.