Guy Gives The Judge A GOATSE During A Detroit Courtroom Zoom (NSFW)
This video is EXTREMELY NSFW even though it happened on a YouTube live stream.
Now before you watch the video below remember that GOATSE is an acronym for Guy Opens A** To Show Everyone. With that in mind, Judge Kenneth King of the 36th District Court in Wayne County, Michigan had a very disturbing thing happen during a recent online courtroom zoom.
During a courtroom zoom live stream someone hijacked the feed and a man doing the GOATSE appeared on the call. He was only on the call for a brief moment before we assume a moderator removed or blocked the feed. It is very graphic and NSFW.
(The NSFW moment appears just after the 1:52:55 mark)
No clue how long this will stay on YouTube, so if you’re interested we recommend checking it out ASAP.