Bye Bye Bed Bath And Beyond
Bye Bye Bed Bath And Beyond. There have been rumors of it for some time now. But this weekend it became official. The famous home goods store is closing for good. They filed bankruptcy yesterday, Sunday. If you have any kind of registry with the store, think baby or wedding, make sure you do your research this week. The store says it will transfer items to a similar registry. In addition, f you have any gift cards, pull them out and put them to use as soon as possible.

Get your last minute shopping in at Bed Bath & Beyond before they close their doors for good.
What you need to know about Bed Bath & Beyond closing
At the time this story is being posted, there is no official word on when stores in Southwest Florida will lock the doors and pull the shades. What we DO know is that Wednesday will be the last day the retailer is accepting those awesome blue coupons. You know the ones that you probably have stashed in glove compartment of your car. The ones that never expire despite what the date reads. Gather them up. You only have three more days to use them. Wednesday is the last day they will be accepted in the stores.
Next, the sales begin. After Wednesday expect the retailer to slash prices on many things. These sales are final. As of now, anything you have purchased in the past can still be exchanged. But don’t delay if you have something you need to return. In addition, if you find a gift card, you have until May 8th to use it. Points are no longer being awarded. If you have some stacked up, cash those in until May 15th. It’s time to go shopping.
Bye Bye Bed Bath And Beyond. It sure was fun while it lasted.