Possibly the Worst 30-Second Job Pitch in TV History
Here’s a Flashback Friday from 2010. CNN had a feature where job seekers would come on-air and give a 30-second pitch . . . hoping to convince someone to hire them. One of the guys in this segment totally blew it.
He stumbles out of the gate, and is barely able to form a complete sentence. Then he FREEZES. The reporter encourages him to go on, so he does . . . but he continues to stammer, so she offers MORE encouragement.
To his credit, he does power through to the end.
10 Fictional Dates from Movies Everyone Should Know
Throughout movie history, various dates within them have taken on special meaning thanks to pop culture.
Some dates had crucial roles in the plots of films and helped provide an overall setting. Other dates have become unique one-liners that have become part of the general lexicon. If you’re a fan of Mean Girls, there’s a specific date you associate with the movie, and it’s not its release date. The same can be applied to Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, Empire Records, Miss Congeniality and more.
From the funny to the frightening, here are ten fictional dates from movies everyone should know.